Legal Question in Family Law in India
I got married in 2013 March and shortly after my marriage I indulged myself into alcohol and soon I became mentally and physically ill. I was not able to build any relationship with my wife and my wife scared of my situation brought me back to my hometown Calcutta,India. I was send to a rehabilitation center where I was treated and understood that I had addiction problem. Now I am a recovering addict completely out of alcohol,fit and just managed to find a job and stable in life. But in this period my wife didn't turned back to me and recently filled a divorce case with false allegation of abusing her physically and mentally.Now my question is what should be my step? I can't accept the charge of cruelity and also I want to be honest and stick to the truth. I was mentally ill and unaware of disease of addiction, and when I understood my problem, I rectified myself and fought and still fighting. Is there any scope in Indian Law so that I tell the truth about my addiction? She didn't ask for any compensation in the court paper but if I admit that alcohol was my problem will that be a threat to my financial problem as I don't have any money, I spend all my savings for my treatment and I was 1 year jobless.What will be right way to appear in court?Is there any chance that the court can ask her to stay with me? Can anybody help with the Indian law here?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You have a fair chance of winning the case. You should only tell the truth before the court. Her allegation will not sustain.Cruelty from a person who is himself fighting with addiction can hardly be believed.