Legal Question in Family Law in India
One months back , my mother and my mother-in-law had a fight on trivial thing (location: Bangalore(Karnataka). It increased to such an extent that my husband also came from office and escalated the issue. I was not able to handle this so i left the house with my 3 week boy baby. Now i am living with my parents in Pune (Maharastra). I left my elder daughter (3 years 10 months) with my husband because of her school. Now my husband is not letting me talk to my daughter nor video chat online giving reasons that she has already settled and don't want to disturb her emotionally.
He is also not willing to send her to me during holidays also.
He is saying to come back or settle the things by new year 2017.
He has already emotionally tortured so much that i don't want to live with him but i don't want to give divorce so early.
We are married since last five years and due to some or the other reasons he didn't allow me for full time job.
I was working part-time that also under their conditions so i don't even have enough income to support my self or my children.
My daughter is studying in good school and i don't want to disturb her education. As i am living in different state.
I just want custody to access her.
If that is not possible then how can i bring her to me as her father is not willing to let her go.
Please guide me on this issue
1 Answer from Attorneys
you have to file case to get custody or visiting rights, whatever you want.
Maintenance and her education expensis will also be demanded and court will allowed also.
though she is less than 5 years old hence you have full right over her.
Good Luck
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