Legal Question in Family Law in India
In reply, I want divorce from my wife but I am afraid of losing my daughter(becoz she is minor), and my wife refuse to accept her verbally (no paper evidence) and she didn't apply for daughter custody in past 6 yrs. And I mention here my final order on 30/9/2010; (U/s 117, The accused present & submitting that now living peacefully, He has already executed bond. The same will continue till expiry. No further hearing till the bond is breached before expiry.) my question is, Is it possible to get divorce without losing daughter easily or I have to face many hearing. Two time I was arrested with false FIR police itself told me " I am innocent, but they have to listen women's first", so Sir what's my ground for divorce and who can guide me to proceed and what's precaution should I follow, please clarify, I know, no lawyer will advice free of cost but before I step in I want to do some home work.
2 Answers from Attorneys
1) Divorce has to be filed separate and contested may take 5 years or more.
2) File child custody case. Court will decide considering the welfare of the child.
3) Cant predict the outcome. Being daughter mother has more chances with visitation rights to u.
dear client.............
\yes its better to do home work first then to move forward...
you have not mentioned as why police arrested you twice on what ground.........
yes you can divorce your wife without getting hurted any more or lossing your daughter......
First I need to know all the details then only we can plan out the way to proceed.....
let me know the details