Legal Question in Family Law in India
Petitioner's witness list already submitted, Cross examination PW-1 started.
But evidence affidavit of other witnesses not submitted .
Q1-- Should I file application to submit evidence affidavit of other witnesses ?
Q2-- I am fully confident petitioner is giving false statements during Cross examination , Can I ask court to issue summon to his office to produce the office records ?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Engage a lawyer, who knows how to cross examine, and for this one needs to know Indian Evidence Act properly.
Unless the evidence of Plaintiff is closed you cannot file your evidence. Cross examination is an art, and one needs to know what to ask and what not to ask, based on facts of each case, there are no set / fix rules as to what you should ask and what you should not ask, based on facts, circumstances adn evidence led by the Palin tiff the defendant has to decided his course of action.