Legal Question in Civil Litigation in India
sir i am madhu i my colleague and i are working on the same department. my colleague obtained personal loan at SBI unfortunately I stood as a guarantor after that he was died. but he has immovable properties and her daughter got job on compensation grounds I am a poor person the bank authorities harassed me as physically and mentally and financially and they hold my a/c no and they informed to pay the same. the suit was filed against me and LRs of deceased by the bank authorities and the same is pending. I also produce the immovable properties of the deceased and the bank authorities also filed a petition for attach the same and the same is pending as hearing. now the bank authorities informed to me that they are not attach the same and they contested against me only. now what I do. please send any information to get free as a guarantor and please send any citations to me for relief. my email is
1 Answer from Attorneys
1) U hv to pay and recover from LRs of the deceased.
2) For citations, consult the lawyer appearing on ur behalf who knows how to deal and explain u better in detail based on facts and proceedings of the case is his prime duty paid for it.
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