Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India
I have given payment to the owner in regarding land purchase. But I have not registered it with my name. It was a property under private trust. I have fought cases by my name for the increment of rent from my tenants on that same land.Now he(X-owner) has cancelled the power of attorney and is harassing me to leave that place.What should I do ? Can there be any solution to this problem.Please treat it as an urgent matter.RESPONSES ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED . THANKS
2 Answers from Attorneys
Dear Sir / Madam,
Although you may not have registered the Sale Deed, you ought to have the original signed by the X-Owner containing the purchase consideration along with the proof that you have made the entire payment in settlement thereto. With these two documents, you should submit an application to the Tehsildar / District Registrar to register the land in your name and challenge the legal locus standi of the X-Owner (since he is no longer the Owner) to ask him vide a lawyer's notice as to what legal right does he / she have to ask you to vacate the land.
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