Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India
My father had land with house in his name since 1970's. his brothers lived in it.
Now he died and his brothers are harassing my mom for it. They are still staying there, while we have never stayed there.
How can i evict them from house legally? can i do police complaint? Pls help us from this harassment
(We have 2 flats and a piece of land, the brothers have made nothing for themselves and now want this land for free. Can we still get court order to evict them?)
Asked on 4/25/13, 6:31 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
You can file a suit for possession.
Log on to my website for further guidance.
Answered on 4/25/13, 7:41 am
dear client..
You need to file Eviction suit... for deatils mail me at
Answered on 4/25/13, 9:25 am