Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Alabama
Order of Deposition
What are the legal procedures that I need to follow in order to do an order of deposition against the judgement debtor in the state of Alabama?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Order of Deposition
Your case must be in Circuit Court. If it is and if it's against an individual, you file a notice of deposition to the other party giving them the date, time and place of said deposition and giving them at least 10 days notice. It is a post judgment deposition under Rule 69(g) of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. IF they don't show, you file a motion to compel with the court. If they don't show after that, you can have the court find them in contempt and order them to appear and show cause why they didn't appear, and if they don't show to that, the Court can order the sheriff to pick them up and bring them into court.
This will not work as well if the judgment is against a corporation.