Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama


When I was 18 I was arrested for rape 2. I have been convicted and am now a sex offender. However,when I never actually had any sort of sexual relation with the female. The cops told me I did over and over and I was really stoned and also on crack at the time. I didnt want to admit to them that I was on crack thinking that would make matters worse so I agreed to everything they said to avoid them arrested me for crack. I then found out that the girl I was hanging out with that bribed me with crack to pick her up to begin with was 13. She told me she was 15 or 16. I was told by friends of the family that denying the crack would be the biggest thing. So I agreed with the cops with the rest of it. I didnt have sex with her and nobody believes me because I signed the confession. I am 20 now and am finally off of drugs completely. I know nothing about the law. I just didnt want to get arrested for crack because I had already been arrested for pot before. I didnt have sex with her. I was never even able to get an erection while I was doped up. I dont know what to do and nobody is going to believe me. The police even told me that which is why I signed that stupid confession. If someone could give me any advice at all it would be apprecti

Asked on 8/12/08, 10:36 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Pfeifer Pfeifer LLC

Re: Help

Your only option at this point would be to file a petition under Rule 32 of the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, in which you attempt to set aside your conviction for this offense. It sounds like you may have let too much time pass by to file a Rule 32 petition, unless you have newly discovered evidence of your innocence. However, the time will be measured from the date of your conviction, not the date of the incident, so you may still be able to challenge the conviction.

I would suggest that you contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately to discuss whether you can still file a Rule 32 petition to try to set aside your conviction. He or she will need to review your records from the case, and can make an evaluation of your options at that time.

Good luck!

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Answered on 8/14/08, 11:20 pm

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