Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama

first degree child abuse

My son gave a neighbor's nine year old son three licks with a belt on his bottom when he repeatedly trespassed and brought a vicious dog around small children after being asked not to. His female companion had been given permission to discipline this child. He was arrested and charged with first degree child abuse. He is 25 and a college graduate with no prior convictions. His court date is October 4. What are the chances of getting this reduced to a lesser charge without a lawyer. He contacted one lawyer who wanted a $2500 retainer and said the case could be lengthy. He may be out of work at the end of September and owes a lot of money due to educational loans and living expenses at present and the expected birth of a child in two weeks.

Asked on 9/04/00, 6:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Walter Blocker Walter l. Blocker, III P.C.

Re: first degree child abuse

your should hire an attorney asap. if your son qualifies for an appointed attorney, the court will appoint him an attorney that is paid by the state. remember that a person who represents himself has a fool for a client. this is a serious crime and an attorney should be hired if possible.

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Answered on 10/07/00, 11:33 am

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