Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama

Justice was not served

To whom it may concern:

I just wanted to know the definition of a Mistrial.

I very best friend went to trial about a year ago. And during the night of the accident the Sheriffs Dept did not rope off the scene and they the parents of the two people who were shot pick them up and move them and they also let the dad have a gun at the crime scene with out taking it for evidence. The parents got to the scene for the police did. And my friend said that one of the guys he shot had a gun. Should the police dept have got the gun for evidence because they did not know what type of gun was used. That could have been the murder weapon. This cause was a disgrace to the county I live. The police dept did a poor investigation and botched the whole trial and my friend still got convicted. Like I said they did not rope off the scene and let people walk through it and did not get the fathers gun. Should that have been a Mistrial? Or what was it?


Justice was not served

Asked on 12/31/00, 6:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Poti Law Office of John M. Poti

Re: Justice was not served

A mistrial is the termination of a trial due to some misconduct or extraordinary circumstances (ie., tampering with the jury, violation of ethics, or death of the judge).

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Answered on 1/04/01, 12:13 pm

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