Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama

Squeeze By Help

Is it possible to push a local court case 2 months until i get off of my probation I Walked a fine line for 4 yrs And i don't need this to violate me



Asked on 9/05/08, 6:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Pfeifer Pfeifer LLC

Re: Squeeze By Help

Whether or not a case can be continued usually depends on the circumstances of the specific case as well as the policies of the local court. Many courts have a casual attitude towards continuances and will grant them without a lot of hassle. Other courts are strict and aggressive about pushing cases forward. I would suggest that you get a criminal defense attorney involved, and let that attorney be the one to get your cases continued for you.

Also, be aware that your new arrest could violate your probation even if you have not yet been convicted. If your probation officer notifies the court of your new arrest, you will probably have to go before the court on a probation violation. A probation violation warrant would toll the running of your time on probation, so merely continuing the new case may not be enough to keep you out of trouble. I would suggest that you contact your attorney and tell him or her what is going on, so that you can make plans on how to deal with your new arrest as well as your probation violation.

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Answered on 9/06/08, 8:24 am

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