Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alabama

What is Unsupervised Probation

I was sentenced to 12 months unsupervised probation for a misdemeanor drug posession charge. What does ''unsupervised'' mean? I've heard that even though it's unsupervised, a probation officer can still come to my house and get a urine and hair sample for drug testing. Is that true? Is there a limit to the time of day that they can come to my house? Can they come to my work? I don't mind being on my Ps & Qs for 12 months, but am I going to have to watch over my shoulder and be scared every time someone knocks on my door until this is over? How can I find out the exact terms of my unsupervised probation?

Asked on 6/20/04, 2:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Bobby Lott, Jr. Attorney at Law

Re: What is Unsupervised Probation

Unsupervised means you don't have to regularly report to a probation officer. He can however make you take random drug testing or pretty much do whatever he wants, except arrest you.

Make it easy on yourself. Jump through the hoops and be done with it. Courts seldom go against a probation officers recommendations.

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Answered on 6/29/04, 10:06 am

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