Legal Question in Family Law in Alabama

had a common law marriage in balbwin county alabama, was with her before and after two years o living together we seperated but continued to see each other . do i have any fisscall reinbursment that i could ask for for supporting her family of 4 and home room additions to accomadate the extra people in my newely bought house . its been 2 years sinse we lived together and are now seperated

Asked on 4/26/10, 4:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Coleman Murchison & Howard, LLC

If you were married to her by common law, and satisfied all of those requirements, you are still married to her. If you were married by common law, you should seek a divorce. There is such a thing as common law marriage in Alabama, there is no such thing as common law divorce. You have to go to court to seek anything from her.

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Answered on 5/07/10, 8:52 am

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