Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Alabama
I skipped school one day to hang out with this girl I have been talking to. I turned 18 that day and this girl lied and said she was 16. Her mom found out and is now trying to get me for kidnapping or something. I didn't do anything with the girl. I met her somewhere and didn't pick her up. What can I be charged with?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Kidnapping
You can be charged with kidnapping, statutory rape, murder, robbery, burglary, speeding.
What you'll be found guilty of may be entirely different.
This is not a sexual harassment case where you published this message. This is a criminal matter. Sexual harassment applies to on the job sexual harassment.
In any event, I doubt you will be charged with much - if the facts are as you say. But you should get an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side immediately. Do not talk to the police without a lawyer! You are a suspect in a criminal case and you do not have to give them a statement and 99% of the time it will come back to haunt you if you do make a statement. I once had a client who was completely innocent of receiving stolen property. There is no way that they could have pinned him on the crime. All he did was say, sure, put the computer in my brother's truck, cause he wants it. Never had possession or even constructive possession. He signed a statement admitting that he was guilty of receiving stolen property. I wanted to strangle him. I could have talked the DA into dropping the charges completely. As it was, I was lucky to plead it down to a misdemeanor and got him probation, but now he has a record.
In your case, if all you did was go to someplace where this girl was then I don't see what crime you've committed. If you took her someplace else, you might be guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I.E. she should have been at school and you helped her play hooky. But I doubt it. You are not guilty of kidnapping unless you took her against her will.
The problem though is that you have no idea what momma is telling the police! Girls sometimes lie to their parents to cover up their own wrongdoing! She could come from an abusive family and her father thinks she's sleeping around. So she claims rape to prevent him from beating her. It happens - be careful.
So the first step is to hire a criminal defense lawyer. do not pass go, do not collect $200, get up the money and hire a lawyer. If you have any further questions or need more help, send me an email at
Sterling L. DeRamus