Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Alabama
Will clarification
My aunt's will identifies my mother(her sister) as executor and myself as secondary executor. Her will bequeats specific dollar amounts to 4 beneficiaries but leaves the remainder of the estate wholly to my mother. However; my mother passed away in 2000 and my aunt has been in an Alzheimer's unit since 96-97. She was declared non-competent by the court and has a personal caretaker. What will be the disposition of the estate now that she is mentally unable to change the beneficiaries?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Will clarification
Well, since you are the secondary executor, if your aunt dies while you are still living, you will administer the estate. Your mother's share of the estate will most likely pass to you and your siblings if you have any, depending how the will was written. There are several things you need to do,however. Contact my office if you would like me to discuss this matter with you at: 205 - 322 - 3747.