Legal Question in Criminal Law in Alaska

Search of vehicle

I was pulled over with a friend in my car for what the officer said was running a stop sign. He asked questions pertaining to our information. Then surprisingly to me asked if he could search the vehicle, I said ok. I knew my friend had weed on him or in his backpack. The officer searched me and my friend, made us stand in the cold of Alaska, without putting our hands in our pockets, while he searched the vehicle for around 20 minutes. I have no criminal record nor does my friend, I am a college student and I have a job. The cop let us go with no fine at all and just seized the weed and pipe. I felt very grateful for not being charged with anything, but I have never felt my rights being so invaded. Would it generally be better to say no to the search considering I only (allegedly) ran a stop sign? There was no marijuana odor in the car. Is this common practice to search a person with no criminal record for running a stop sign? Mainly I just want to know if saying no to the search would have had a good result as well.

Asked on 12/11/08, 11:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Search of vehicle

Never, never, never, never, ever consent to a search. EVER. Let the officer go get a search warrant. You never have to agree to a search and you never should.

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Answered on 12/12/08, 12:09 pm

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