Legal Question in Family Law in Alaska
I recently had contact with someone that told me that if you have 50/50 shares custody that you dont have to pay child support in that situation. However i have talk to CSSD, other agencies, paralegals and have got a response from a lawyer and they all told me that in a shared custody situation that both parties are calculated for child support and then they are subtracted from each other and the person with the higher child support obligation has to pay the difference. Is that true when you have 50/50 custody no child support has to be paid?
Also it has been proven that my spouse has committed bank, tax and welfare fraud. With the welfare fraud my spouse had to file with the state as fraudulent and can not apply again for a whole year. Also my spouse committed purgry and lied to the court about other financial information and had to admit it on the stand. Will or could those issues of fraud help me in the custody case. Also why wasn't my spouse charged with purgry and secondly is there anything that I can do to see or get charges filed on them for the bank and tax fraud?
1 Answer from Attorneys
No, it is not true "that true when you have 50/50 custody no child support has to be paid?" Both parents' incomes are figured according to a formula.
The fraud issues won't really help you in determining custody.