Legal Question in Criminal Law in Arizona

check fraud, counterfit

I started a business a few months back, online sales and travael package sales. I had one customer bring me many orders for different preople, not thinking to much of it, I fulfilled all but 1 order, It turns out that all the checks he had given me for the purchaces were stolen from somewhere. They were different people only one person ordered 2xs, so he says. I got a opy of his id due to the fact that he was bringing me these others peoples orders and checks,. The police are now thinking that I am involved or something. Plus this crazy guys id was not his, it was fake, I later found out. This guy that got cught is someone I do not know, but he claims to the police that I do know who he really is. they have not tried to charge me of anything but think i'm involved. A total of 25 thosand was processed I guess. I am a full time honors student and new business owner trying to make my business work, what do you think will come out of this.

Asked on 2/02/08, 5:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jason Lamm Jason D. Lamm Attorney at Law

Re: check fraud, counterfit

You really need to hire an attorney as this could get serious and derail your plans in life. I have helped a lot of people out of jams during investigations to a degree that they are cleared and charges are not filed. If you want to hire an attorney, give me a call.

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Answered on 2/02/08, 6:32 pm

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