Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona

AZ Divorce - Separating assets

My husband and I have been married

for 3 1/2 years but have lived

together for 10. We have purchased

homes, collector cars, stocks/bonds

etc. during that 10 year period as we

both worked full time. As AZ is a

community property state, am I only

entitled to request 50% of what we

accumulated during the 3 1/2 years

of marriage or am I able to ask for

financial assets accumulated over

the 10 year period we have been

together? The 401K, stocks, bonds,

etc are in accounts with only his

name as he had them automatically

withdrawn from his paycheck each

month (he makes 1/2 more than I

do and we put 1/2 of his paycheck

into our financial purchases).

Asked on 9/11/07, 9:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Monica Donaldson Stewart Donaldson Stewart, P.C.

Re: AZ Divorce - Separating assets

The family court only has jurisdiction to divide assets that were accumulated during marriage. If you believe you have a claim to pre-marital assets, you may have to pursue that claim separately through the civil court.

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Answered on 9/11/07, 10:06 pm

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