Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona

My boyfriend went through a custodial evaluation. The evaluation was falsified in many ways and my name was mentioned over and over without my consent. It is my understanding that this is public document. How can my name be included (negatively) in a court document when I wasn't interviewed and did not give permission for my name to be used. Do I have any rights in this situation? And what can be done about falsified information in the document?

Asked on 9/19/09, 11:17 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joan Bundy Joan Bundy Law

I don't believe a custodial evaluation is a public document. I could be wrong. Anyway, it would be used for purposes only of the court proceeding. Parties to a court matter give implied consent to have their name and any relevant information brought before the judge/jury.

If information was falsified, then that needs to be brought to the attention of the judge. A reprimand could occur, including fines up to jail (the latter is not likely).

Best of luck!

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Answered on 9/26/09, 10:35 am

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