Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona

Child custody hearing

I have a Custody hearing to modify custody on 8/12/02, my daughter now lives with me after being kicked out of her dads house, and my son lives with his father at this time but is suppose to see me every summer. Their father is keeping my son from me and I now have to take him to court to modify custody, but my question is: Do I have to bring my daughter to court with me? We live in California and if she doesnt need to be in court I would like to be able to save that expense.

What are the chances of a split custody being granted? are judges ok with that?

I want Sole Custody of both children under the grounds of there anything I should come prepared with to prove neglect? How do you prove neglect?

Thank you for your time.

--name removed--

Asked on 7/18/02, 7:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Child custody hearing

The judges generally have no problems with spliting custody if that is in the best interest of the children. You should have an attorney who is familiar with the legal process and the judges in the county where the hearing is taking place. There are too many variables to give valuable advice on this situation over the internet. You daughter will not need to be in court unless it has been ordered. Most judges don't want a minor to testify and are more likely to have an investigator/mediator or an attorney appointed for the child if they want input from the child. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 7/22/02, 10:38 am

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