Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona
Not divorced and want to move my child out of state can I legally?
1 Answer from Attorneys
There are many issues to consider when leaving the state without the other parent's agreement. I would need to know more.
We can certainly help you consider and then pursue your options. This is obviously a very important matter, and you should not go in alone.
One of our attorneys can explain the issues and procedures better in person. As you can imagine, there is too much to cover via email. We offer free 1/2 hour consultations, in which we can discuss your matter in detail.
Please call us directly to discuss the specifics of your matter, or contact my assistant Alicia or my paralegal Jennifer to schedule your free 1/2 hour consultation.
Rich J. Peters
Attorney at Law
1422 N. 2nd Street Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Fax (602)254-1229