Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona
My family and my 3 daughters are victims of my husband who tried to murder us approx 3 years ago. He was put in jail immediately due to the fact he confessed he did it. His dad came up with 150,0000 to bail him out , he then lived within a mile of my house for over a year before the trial began. In which time he harassed me and my daughters. They sentenced him to 35 years in prison, but im now left with nothing I receive 10 dollars a month for child support , I do not have the money to get a divorce from him. I had to eventually leave the state because I couldnt afford the house nor could i sell it because it was in both names and he refused to take his name off so he could ruin my credit. I am in Az now with some family but I currently cannot find a job and have no money. Is there anything i can do to have him pay or the state pay for my children. at least untill i can find work. My family has been victimized and we are still paying for something he did. I am getting bills that he owes sent to me. I just want to put an end to this so we can move on and have a better life. any information you can give me will be much appreciated. i obvioulsy cannot afford a lawyer and dont know where else to look for help.
thank you
Lori Constein(married name, Bauer)
1 Answer from Attorneys
There is certainly a way for you to do this. First of all, the forms are available for free on line at and for a few dollars at the self service center at the court house. There is a form that allows you to apply for a fee waiver as well. The other option is to contact community legal services, Volunteer Lawyers Program. They don't take a lot of cases but when they do, they take domestic violence victims, which you are.
Good luck.