Legal Question in Family Law in Arizona
Tax Refund
My wife and I are seperated but not in paper, she won't give me my share of our tax refund, she put it in another account that I don't have access to, also she says I have to pay child support to her when she has a boyfriend living with her, what can I do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Tax Refund
You do have the legal obligation, even before papers are filed, to contribute to the support of your children, whether the boyfriend lives there or not.
The tax refund, legally, is half yours.
I can explain the issues and procedures better by phone or in person. As you can imagine, there is too much to cover via e'mail. We offer free 1/2 hour consultations, in which we can discuss the matter in more detail.
Please call me directly to discuss the specifics of your case, or contact my assistant Alicia to schedule a free 1/2 hour consultation.
/s/ Rich J. Peters, Attorney
1422 N. 2nd Street, Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
602x254x1229 (facsimile)
see our web page at