Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Arizona
Own moblie homes but not land
I own two moblie home on 2 achers.They are sitting on somebody elses land.I have today to get my thing out of there.He told me that if i dont have myself out of there they will be torn down along with my two trailers.He turn my gas off 7 weeks ago.We had no heat(I have two kids).Then I paid the electric bill $250.00.He then torn up my wires so I had no electric for 4 weeks.We thought APS turn us off.Till APS came to shut us off.None of these bills are in his name.He takes all my bills and other mail that dont be long to him.I guess want I am trying to see if he has the right to bulldoz my two trailer.They went to court which I didn't get summons to appear on Feb 28th and won a eviction on me.But didn't say anything about my trailers.They told me I have to get everything out of there by the 28th of March,if not he will own all my personal stuff belonging,all my kids stuff,everything.How can they do that.He would say onething then changed his mind,then go back to the first onething.Gave me a time from 10am til 4pm monday-thu-friday.Then he would say got 24 hours to get things out,our you got til the 24th of march,then back to 10-4.Thing like that. Please e-mail at has soon as you can.I Thank You Have a great day
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Own moblie homes but not land
You need a local attorney NOW!!! Preferable someone from Legal Aid or Tenants Hotline, etc.
Get a camera and document any destruction etc./ the landlord does, including lines, wires, etc. or damage to your property.
You may also want to get a copy of the Eviction Order. Usually only the sheriff can move you if you fail to obey the order.
You must HURRY though.