Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
Still not getting disability payments
Hi there. I am a state worker who was injured over a year ago. I asked for temporary disability payments in May, and risk management is still claiming that they are waiting for a decision. My case has gone through four adjusters, and each one claims that they cannot do anything about what the last person said, so they keep starting over in trying to make some kind of decision about payments. My injury was was accepted and I am receiving some treatment. I am now out of money . Should I request a hearing, or am I screwed?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Still not getting disability payments
There is no statute of limitations on unpaid benefits, so you can always pursue them. It does not sound like you are being treated reasonably. I've experienced Risk Management stonewalling on paying benefits before.
A request for hearing under ARS 23-1061(J) needs to be filed. You can do that yourself, but R.M. will send your file to one of their Ass't. Attorneys General, and you'll probably want a lawyer alongside if you have to go up against them.
Feel free to call my office for a free, no-obligation consultation. 602-253-1789, 800-863-4449.