Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
Disability question
WORK at a resort ,as a bellman in an attempt to push a disabled vehicle I tore my right bicep tendon, which required surgery to repair.Was out of work 3 months went back to work due to harassment from my human resources director calling my doctors office to see if I could do light duty strictly with my left arm presently doing so for 4 hours a day but I am experiencing a surmountable amount of pain and stiffness and swelling. Going to see my physician regarding this.Do not have nor think I will have full use of my right arm or more than likely I will never be able to return to my previous job. Also because of the continued use of my left arm I am now aggravating a pre-exisitng workmens comp condition( which happened at this employer)condition was a bulging disc in my neck.This new job which they described as sedentary has only caused my buldging disc to act up again. Can I possible be a canidate for w/c permenantdisability?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Disability question
Yes. Possibly. Answers to questions like your are found in the details of the medical records. In order to give you a definitive answer I would have to review your medical file, and possibly the carrier's file, as well. Please feel free to call if you would like a consultation.