Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
injured on the job
I was injured on the job when a ladder collapsed under me. I had surgury on my arm, after which the doctor released me with around 25% loss of use of my arm. I cannot lift more than 20 pounds, which prevents me from doing my job( Line mechanic/Welder). The company then terminated my employ. Do I have any recourse?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: injured on the job
I cannot answer your question completely without more information. In Arizona, the law compensates you differently if you've had a prior permanent injury of certain kinds, and also treats you differently if your arm injury involves the shoulder. As far as your employer goes, your options will depend on whether there is any proof that your discharge was in retaliation for your claim/disability. If they simply replaced you because they didn't need someone with your residual abilities, they are probably within the law.
To investigate this further, please feel free to call me at 602-253-1789 or 800-863-4449.