Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
If I quit, do I still get benefits?
after my injury, my job lowered my pay and cut my hours. now i don't make enough money to pay my bills. If I quit my job and get a new one that pays better, will my old job still have to pay for workers comp benefits?
I already had surgery but i still have to go to physical therapy for several more weeks so i want to make sure that it will be covered before i quit
Asked on 11/13/07, 6:27 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Thomas Stillwell
Stillwell Law Office, PLLC
Re: If I quit, do I still get benefits?
In Arizona, your employment status on the date of injury is all that matters. Your claim will remain the responsibility of that employer and its insurance carrier (potentially) for the rest of your life. You sound like a highly-motivated rights they should treat you properly.
Answered on 11/13/07, 11:53 pm