Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
Settlement Information
does AZ workmans comp pay settlements in lump sums if not how and why, also how do they determine the amount?
I have been told both ways and don't know which is true.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Settlement Information
Arizona comp law does not provide for lump-sum settlements as a matter of right, but they are permitted if both sides can agree on a number. That's the tricky part. Insurance companies are only going to be willing to settle if doing so saves them a lot of money. Also, they always look at the future differently than do the injured workers. They think everybody's going to be fine and go back to work in just a few years, even though your permanent disability award is, well, PERMANENT! So, the good news is that settlements are permitted, but the bad news is that they are hard to achieve. Feel free to call with more questions, at 602-253-1789 or 800-863-4449.