Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
What states laws are followed...
My husband's job is based in the state of Arizona. He was injured while working in Nevada. Is his workman's compensation based on laws according to the state of Nevada or Arizona?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What states laws are followed...
Usually it would be Arizona, because that is where he was hired. In some cases, however, the Nevada industrial authority will accept jurisdiction over such a claim and make the carrier pay under Nevada law, which is more generous in some ways than Arizona. I've never actually done this, but I've heard of injured workers filing their claim in both states, then demanding the best benefits at each stage, from whichever state is more advantageous.
At the very least, I think he should get an Arizona claim going. He can ask his Arizona physician to file the claim, he can contact the Industrial Commission of Arizona himself, or he can handle it through an attorney. I would be glad to talk with him more about it.