Legal Question in Workers Comp in Arizona
Work Related Injury Many Years Ago
My husband had a hand injury in 1965. This was on the job, and he almost lost his hand. He was told that if he had further problems, that he could reopen the case later. His hand is becoming increasingly painful and arthritic. He never signed a lump sum settlement in 1965. He attempted to reopen the case in 1994, and was awarded ibuprofin for pain. In 1966, his hand was diagnosed as a permanent partial 10% disability of his right hand. My question - is he entitled to some type of monthly payment for this permanent partial disability which is becoming worse with age. He has never received anything except the compensation which he received for the year following the hand injury, at which time it was a total disability.
Thank you for answering.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Work Related Injury Many Years Ago
Generally speaking, the law separates medical
from compensation issues. Your husband's compensation
was probably a "scheduled" disability, which has
a specific, limited amount of compensation for the
permanent disability.
His medical care is probably the more valuable right
at this time. Entitlement is always based on the
opinions of doctors. If you have a doctor recommending
something that the carrier is refusing, you need to
consult with an attorney. Please seriously consider
speaking with a board-certified specialist. My contact
information is below. Best wishes.
Thomas Stillwell
Law Office of Thomas R. Stillwell
393 East Palm Lane