Legal Question in Family Law in Arkansas
Stepfather child support requirements
As a stepfather of children over 12 years of age, whom I have not adopted, if they decide to go and live with their natural father, can I or my working spouse be required to pay child support based on mine and her income level, or only hers? By the way, the natural lives in TX.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Stepfather child support requirements
I don't practice in your state, so you will need to check your own state law. That said, in this state, stepparents are not obligated to pay child support when their stepchildren go live with the other biological parent. Their mother, however, will probably have a child support obligation. Again, in my state, your income is not factored in to her child support obligation. Look in the government section of your phone book, probably under Dept. of Health and Human Services, and see if you have a child support enforcement agency. Call them and ask if they have guidelines or regulations that they send out. That will give Mom lots of information about how the obligation is calculated.