Legal Question in Family Law in Arkansas

Can the ex wife call all the shots

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years. He has been seperated from his wife for over 4 years, but due to complications with divorce papers, the divorce was never finalized. Now that his ex is aware that he is dating me she has tried to place rules regarding the children. A daughter who is 8 and a son 4. I have a very good relationship with them, but now she says they are not allowed to see me. She also is taking him to court so that he has only every everyother weekend suprivised visitated with the kids. Right now they have a 50, 50 verbal agreement, and have for the last 4 years. she has no reason to do this other than being bitter that he is with someone new, can she get the custody she is requesting? And does she have the right to tell him their children are not allowed to be around me? We are having such a hard time trying to figure out how to go about this. Thanks so much for all your help!

Asked on 11/01/06, 4:16 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

H.M. Torrey The Law Offices of H.M. Torrey

Re: Can the ex wife call all the shots

No, the ex cannot "dictate" policy here like she is attempting to do. However, it would be VERY wise to get court ordered custody and visitation rights/schedule set up ASAP before the children end up being "pawns" in this unfortunate situation. If you would like prompt, affordable legal assistance in this matter, contact us directly today for a free phone consultation.

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Answered on 11/01/06, 4:57 pm
Samuel Lovely Law Office of Samuel Lovely

Re: Can the ex wife call all the shots

You will need to get a court order formally establishing the current informal visitation. There does not seem to be a basis for supervised visitation. I primarily practice family law, my rates are affordable, and I offer free consultations.

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Answered on 11/01/06, 5:35 pm

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