Legal Question in Employment Law in Arkansas

My boss accused me of sexually harrassing customers...

My record is impeccable, actually. When I started working at this little general store, supposedly I have been being rude to customers and sexually harrassing them. Yet, the customers seriously love me. They come in the store just to stop by and say hi. I amke then laugh, I cut up with them, I watch there kids. They love me. What's odd is yesterday, my manager tells me he has been having complaints about me. I am being rude, looking like a whore at work, and so on. After he left, a regular customer came in to get a soda (the soda machine is right next to the counter) and my manager came back as he was coming in to get the keys he left behind. He stops and gives me his number because he knew I was looking for a car. My manager and I and he were the only people in the store and my manager never knew why he gave me his number. Today, he talls me that Adam (the guy) should not have been behind the counter talking to me, a customer complain. Odd thing was... there were no customers. The next was about me sexually harrassing customers. He didn't tell me who or make me sign anything. He just said that. I know he's short on money and won't fire anyone because of unemployment. I don't even make minimum wage. What can I do?

Asked on 12/14/06, 4:01 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: My boss accused me of sexually harrassing customers...

Based on what you have written, it appears as if there is not much to be done about the complaints since no adverse action has been taken by the employer. However, if you are not making minimum wage and your employer is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, then your employer is violating the law. If you have more questions, you can visit my website at, as well as the Department of Labor site at

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Answered on 12/14/06, 11:46 pm

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