Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in Arkansas

My girlfriend works for a good sized family owned business in Arkansas, recently she was sexually harassed by her assistant manager. She reported him to his boss and the boss just above him. She never reported it to the state board (somebody suggested she do so) because she was insured by both people that she reported it to that it would be taken care of. Nothing ever really happened to him over the whole ordeal, other than his boss sitting down with him and telling him that she had written a complaint about him. They did tell her that she would not have to work on his shift anymore, but that only lasted for a week. Since then the sexual harassment has stopped but he has started doing anything and everything within his power to make her life (while at work) as hard as he possibly can, for example; she went to the bathroom on one occasion and when she was done she stepped out the front door to look for a co-worker and he clocked her out, stating that when she went outside she took an un-authorized break. Most of his recent behavior has been witnessed by his boss, and even when he sees that the things being said to her upset her and make her cry he just sits there and lets it happen. Because, of this situation and others like it she dreads going to work when she knows that she will have to work with him. Is there anything she can do about this and if so what should she do and who should she contact. Would this be classified as any certain harassment or just harassment in general?

Thank You,

Thomas Cole

Asked on 9/29/09, 9:25 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Your girlfriend can do two things. First, she can report what is now retaliation internally and see if it is cleared. Second, she can file a Charge of Discrimination with the EEOC alleging that she was retaliated against for making a complaint of sexual harassment.

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Answered on 9/30/09, 2:32 pm

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