Legal Question in Criminal Law in Bangladesh

I am 19 years old. I live in Bangladesh. From the past two years I have been extremely psychologically bullied and mobbed by a group of quite a large number of people. I tried to resolve the issue in many ways but have failed. After 6 months of torture I was diagnosed with Depression, and Social Phobia, for which the reason was the torture. I am much better now, and since in our country there are laws, but no regulations, how do I get justice?

They try to find my weakpoints, and psychologically torture me through using them. They even threatened to kill me, though it was meant to be more psychologically affecting. I told them my disability and mental disorder at that time, but their torture grew worse. They have other methods too.

Please note, that this group has members, some of them are muggers, drug abusers like marijuana, and alcohol, they fight on the streets and have a wide range of antisocial behaviours, which are illegal as well as immoral.

What should I do? And what is the lawyers fees that I might expect in Bangladesh?

Asked on 9/21/10, 11:19 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Did you make any GD (General Diary) about the matter? If not, then make a GD in nearest Police Station.

After the GD, you can sue against them under Criminal Law of Bangladesh or Tort Law of Bangladesh.

I am sorry that I couldn't tell you about the fees as it is depend on lawyer.

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Answered on 9/21/10, 12:00 pm

It is difficult to realise the fact looking at your questions? More to be revealed to your lawyers to get proper advice. At first you consult a lawyer who will say what remedies are available for you. Then you will get an idea about the legal fees and also be able to decide what to do. You may consult me upon taking appointment.

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Answered on 9/22/10, 12:34 am

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