Legal Question in Disability Law in California

forced to quit due to informing my employer about depression treatment

i recently informed my immediate supervisor and a co-worker about being treated for depression. one month later, i was called into my manager's office and was told that my job performance wasn't up to par. before this, i was never told of any job performance issues. i was given two choices: 1) to quit and be given a small severance package, or 2) to stay on for a 30-day probationary period after coming up with a detailed plan as to how i would turn my job performance around. i was given 24 hours to make the decision. i decided to stay on as i wanted to work, i liked my job and felt that i could improve in the areas that were discussed. after informing my supervisor of this decision, she seemed outwardly disappointed with my choice and she continued to hound me about it. i was in tears over her hounding, but was determined to make it work. she continued to hound me until i couldn't take it anymore and quit under duress. do i have a discrimination case here? and if so, is anyone willing to represent me? further, the co-worker that i told and my immediate supervisor are close friends and the co-worker made a comment about another employee that they both did not like and said they were concocting a plan to get her fired.

Asked on 7/10/03, 5:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

H.M. Torrey The Law Offices of H.M. Torrey

Re: forced to quit due to informing my employer about depression treatment

from the facts given, you may have a very strong cause of action, however, you would need alot of evidence and/or witness testimony to support your claims in order to succeed in my opinion. if you would like further assistance in this matter, email directly with what "proof" you have your claims that is not simply your word against "theirs", and i may be able to help you here.

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Answered on 7/16/03, 9:04 pm

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