Legal Question in Disability Law in California
My husband was injured at work in April of 2007. He has undergone 9 surgeies including a right below the knee amputation, left ankle fusion, right wrist fusion and several others on the right and left ankles. He spent a night in the trauma unit. He was recently rated at 40% for his left ankle fusion, 25% for his wrist and they havent given us the rating for his btk amputation yet nor have they given us a total for the total body yet. We are just wondering what ball park we should expect to be in. $10,00, $100,000, 300,000...any clue?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Depends on how good your attorney is, and the facts. I have obtained $300,000+ for a wrist injury that resulted in limited mobility after 3 surgeries. Unfortunately you sound like you have far greater injuries. Send me an email if you want my representation. Act immediately and obtain an attorney if you dont have one! I am assuming you have filed a lawsuit already, as time may be running or may have already run out!
Daniel Bakondi, Esq.
The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC
870 Market Street, Suite 1161
San Francisco CA 94102
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