Legal Question in Administrative Law in California
When your employer closes for 3 days
The country club where I work (M-F
8am-4:30pm) needs to shut down for 3 days during the week. They said they will not pay us for these three days, but we can use our PTO time. Do they have to pay us for this time off?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: When your employer closes for 3 days
This would be a matter of contract. The relationship between an employer and an employee is a private contract, and it can be written, oral or simply implied from past practices, what the employee handbook says, or other things. So I think the answer here is, "What's your deal with the club?" Are you paid by the hour? That would point to no pay for the days off. Are you on a monthly salary? They'd probably have to pay you. Is there a minimum weekly guarantee? A union contract?