Legal Question in Bankruptcy in California

Assignment of rent and legal fees

Is is legal for lender on comm property to send letter for assignment to my tenant and state I am in default? Is that violation of privacy? They have also added legal fees to my loan with no description of what they are for. I have requested an accounting and they have stated that they will get that for me as soon as they can. The bank filed for relief of stay but that was already released by trustee prior to their request to the court. Please advise. Thank you.

Asked on 3/21/05, 10:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Judith Deming Deming & Associates

Re: Assignment of rent and legal fees

I would be willing to bet that when you got your loan you gave your lender a deed of trust and an assignment of rents; every reputable lender I know would require such a document. This means that as additioanl security for your promise to repay your loan, you have assigned the rents to them to collect and apply toward the outstanding amount owed. Given this probablity, there is no way for them to collect the rent without the tenant finding out that they are now supposed to send the money to your lender! This is not a violation of any "privacy rights" if you have agreed to this provision in order to get your loan. In addition, if you have filed bankruptcy, that is a matter of public record and any person can access the information in your petition, so it is hardly a secret. Likewise,I have never seen a loan agreement or promissory note that did not provide for the additon of attorneys fees to the amount of the loan if the lender is required to incur such expenses to protect the security and/or obtain payment under the loan. Your lender obviously employed an attorney to prepare the motion for relief from stay, etc., and this would be added to the outstanding loan amount. You need to read your loan documents.

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Answered on 3/22/05, 2:06 pm

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