Legal Question in Bankruptcy in California

what can I keep?

After my cars engine was burned up because of negligence of an automoblie shop--it has put my whole financial situation into a tail spin--the shop had orginally agreed to pay all expensives and so I had the new engine put in and drove a rent a car for 4 weeks,well they backed out and now I am sueing them but in the mean time I still owe the shop that put in the new engine 5,000 dollars (Ive already paid 3,500 and I dished out 1,200 in rent a car fees--now I have no money for a lawyer to help me with my case(I cant do small claims because its over 5,000 dollars)and I was wondering if I filed bankruspy if I would still get my car?

Asked on 1/13/05, 2:06 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: what can I keep?

This involves several other factors. It would probably be best to consult with an attorney to go over all of your issues, including other debts, property you own, etc.

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Answered on 1/13/05, 2:36 pm

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