Legal Question in Business Law in California

Formation of a non-profit organization for poker tournaments

I am planning on holding large

poker tournaments (60 ppl) every 3

months. I know gambling is not

legal in CA. For this reason, i want

to trademark and put together an

official non-profit organization.

I wanted instructions on what kind

of attorney i needed to see and

what exact percentage of the

money generated needs to be

donated so that we won't be in

trouble with the law.

Thank you!

Asked on 12/17/08, 2:38 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Formation of a non-profit organization for poker tournaments

You have to be careful, because even with the best intentions, with the law sometimes, if it swims like a fish, and it smells like a fish, it doesnt matter what you call it, it is a fish in the eyes of the law. I have looked at this issue before. If you really want to have a charity that is fine, but much of the money may have to go there - I do not know the exact amounts without looking it up. Another route is to have a lawyer contact the local sheriff or the DA, let them know what you plan to do, and get them to sign off on it, maybe give you in a sense, a "no action" type letter saying "nnnn yeah whatever but we wont prosecute" and you might fall somewhere into the "yeah bingo is gambling, but its an old lady so police have better things to do category." However, you need to discuss these issues with an attorney before you act, and have an attorney handle it for you so you stay out of trouble.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 12/17/08, 2:54 pm
Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Formation of a non-profit organization for poker tournaments

Why reinvent the wheel? Call your local licensed poker establishment, they will be more than happy to host your tournament and they already have the license, dealers, security, food service, liquor license, etc.

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Answered on 12/17/08, 3:31 pm

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