Legal Question in Business Law in California

is it illegal to sell my car keys? I am trying to sell my car keys to someone on ebay

Asked on 6/04/11, 4:13 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

eBay is unwilling to handle certain kinds of keys, maybe all kinds. I know that collectors of railroad locks and keys have had their listing removed on eBay. Or maybe they think it is a bit wacky to sell the keys to your car. Who would want them? It isn't illegal unless it is part of a scam of some kind, but it probably violates an eBay policy, and you'd have to ask them about that.

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Answered on 6/04/11, 5:51 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

I agree with Mr. Whipple. eBay is not required to allow everything the law allows. If it refuses to let users to sell keys on its site, then you are bound by that decision even if the sale would be legal.

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Answered on 6/06/11, 3:19 pm

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