Legal Question in Business Law in California

Was offered partnership to create new division of company. After a year he fired me. He kept everything. Is that legal?

I created new division separate from existing company to engage in an area of the industry he wasn't . Only shared name and license numbers. Everything else, I made. Forms, branding, procedures, had my own employees, payroll, books even had to pay him rent for offices. I would become a partner after a year of working for less than minimum wage. My fiance used to manage my previous company doing this same job. She also worked, for an incredibly low wage amount. We were told to take only what we needed to pay our personal bills each month. The rest of what we would have been paid in normal wage amounts and all profit would be kept in it's own account so after the first year, that money could be used to start a break off company that we would be equal partners in. First all my employees got fired (one because she was a girl)my fiance gets fired and then I got let go. He says he couldn't fire because I'm a partner but in either case it's over. He kept the $340.4K my team and I made since we started and we have nothing. Is this legal?

Asked on 2/13/22, 9:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

It doesn't sound legal, but of course the devil is in the details. You should consult a local business litigation attorney in your area.

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Answered on 2/14/22, 4:13 am

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