Legal Question in Business Law in California

should i register company/business or could i run as individual for dating website ?

Asked on 6/07/12, 4:48 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

Almost any kind of legal business can be run as a sole proprietorship or as a corporation, and there are increasingly fewer restriactions on the kinds of businesses that can be run as limited liability companies (LLCs). The choice of a form of business organization is a rather complex and technical matter, with various considerations such as setup costs, personal liability or its relative absence, taxes and taxation, anonymity, public image, and many others coming into play. With a business involved in matching individuals for dating purposes, the possibility of personal liability would seem to be a major factor, suggesting use of a corporation or LLC as a better choice. In addition, I recommend carrying business liability insurance and developing a good business relationship with a smart insurance agent -- and attorney.

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Answered on 6/07/12, 5:27 pm
Jacob Kiani Law Office of Jacob I. Kiani

If you are running a business and have not incorporated it or set up some other business organization for it, you are already a sole proprietorship which is virtually indistinguishable from you as an individual.

You may want to get an Employers Identification Number for your business at

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Please note that all legal actions are subject to time limits (deadlines), sometimes called statutes of limitation, which require potential parties to file their claims by specific dates. If those deadlines are missed, all��related claims will be barred forever. Therefore, if you want to preserve any legal rights you might have, please contact another attorney as soon as possible.

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Answered on 6/09/12, 6:37 am

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