Legal Question in Business Law in California

retail refund policies california

While visiting California, I stopped in an art supply store in Orange County. I purchased 53.00 worth of items. I walked away from the cashier, looking at my receipt, wondering why it was so much. I discovered an item checked out I did not wish to purchase. I turned right around, and told the cashier the above. He pointed to a sign on the register stating "no cash refunds", saying "what part of the sign did I not understand." Not only would they not give me my money back, they could only mail me a store voucher for the 19.69 to my home in Las Vegas, causing me to have a voucher for a store 300 miles away I will never visit again. I was the space of 3 minutes I lost the 19.69 literally stolen from me. How can they do this? I am determined to pursue legally. Not over the 20.00 bucks,over the principle....thanks

Asked on 7/17/00, 7:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Ken Koury Kenneth P. Koury, Esq.

Re: retail refund policies california

Take the voucher and be grateful. They don�t have to give you anything.

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Answered on 9/09/00, 1:53 am
Christine Ruby Christine M. Ruby, Attorney at Law

Re: retail refund policies california

Unfortunately you cannot be compensated for someone making you angry. I can tell you that you should have fought harder or asked to see a manager and advised them you were out of state, but that won't change the facts. They compensated you for the mistake with a voucher, and that is that.

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Answered on 9/09/00, 3:04 am

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