Legal Question in Business Law in California

Here is my story.

I had recently had some discussions with my coworkers on Jan 27, and I decided to quit. The same day I emailed my boss about putting my two-week sin, and my last day would be Feb 13. Later the next day, this coworker came, and I decided it was right to leave the next day and talked to my boss. My boss asked why I had wanted to go since a day ago. I told her that I was putting my two weeks in and had to explain the situation to the employee. She understood and said she would talk to my coworker to address the problem and told me to act normal and put our differences aside. She said this so I could finish my two weeks, go on my life, and end on good terms with her. On Sunday, January 30th, this coworker came in, and we acted normal and respectful the coworker apologized to me, and I became once again friendly coworkers. Later on Wednesday, Feb 2, I emailed my boss telling her that I got covid and won't be able to go to work. Then, on the 3rd, she sent me an email saying that it was firing me. here is the email down below

" With our conversation and your unprofessional behavior on Friday, Jan 28, and worse, on Sunday, Jan 30, you made your coworkers feel uncomfortable. Since you have already given your resignation notice and after speaking with the manager on this matter, the decision has been made to remove you from the schedule."

Honestly, I don't know where it went wrong since I explained to her the whole situation, and the coworker and I ended up in good things and didn't even argue. Since the beginning, she knew I wasn't feeling comfortable with my coworker, and that was why I was asking if I could go before. She instead for me to wait the two weeks in, and we end on that. I have in mind an 18-year-old and working part-time. I might be unprofessional changing my mind, but she knew the situation and said she would talk with the coworker, and as of now, she is blaming me for treating everyone poorly.

Asked on 2/04/22, 9:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

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Answered on 2/05/22, 6:40 pm

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