Legal Question in Business Law in California

Trademark initials of company name?

I'm starting a new California C corp named "Alpha Bravo Charlie" (ficticious name). The corporation will offer advertising services to consumer product manufacturers. It just so happens that "alpha bravo" is a common term used in the industry, so the corporation name aptly defines the services being offered.

The letters "ABC" will be used in the logo, printed materials and as a general abbreviation for "Alpha Bravo Charlie".

I've located another company on the web named "ABC". They are using the (R) symbol to trademark their name. It is unclear, from their web site, if the "ABC" stands for a longer business name. "ABC" company seems to be in a different industry, but they sell software as do we. I assume I'll find many other companies using "ABC" in some trade or servicemark geographies as "ABC" is a very common letter combination.

Can I, and should I servicemark (or trademark) the words "Alpha Bravo Charlie"? How about "ABC"?

Asked on 8/13/00, 1:06 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

Re: Trademark initials of company name?

The first hurdle is to determine whether the Secretary of State of California will allow you to incorporate under the proposed name. Your question doesn't indicate whether you've filed or reserved the name yet.

Assuming the proposed name is available, the next step would be a preliminary, informal and inexpensive trademark availability check and a preliminary legal opinion based on the results. (I could handle this for you).

The cost to apply for a trademark is very small in relation to the cost to develop brand identity, so early investigation and filing is a good investment. Also, all forms of intellectual property litigation are very expensive and preventive legal care is likewise a good buy.

Another step is domain-name registration.

Your attorney should work with your creative people at an early stage to develop logos, etc. that are sufficiently distinctive in your industry so that they are entitled to protection, and do not infringe.

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Answered on 9/18/00, 3:03 pm
Ken Koury Kenneth P. Koury, Esq.

Re: Trademark initials of company name?

If they are common terms in the industry it is unlikely any trademark registration or claim will stick.

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Answered on 9/18/00, 4:11 am

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